Preparation of a Conceptual Scheme

The Comburn Conceptual Scheme serves as a framework for the future development of +/- 280 acres of land within Ptn. NW 27-21-29 W4M and SE 34-21-29 W4M in Foothills County. A Conceptual Scheme is a non-statutory document that provides a comprehensive planning and regulatory framework to guide Foothills County Administration and Council when considering future subdivision and development proposals in the Plan Area.  

The Comburn Conceptual Scheme provides direction for future development of the subject lands with regards to the overall vision for the community, goals and objectives, land uses, density, phasing, infrastructure, servicing requirements, and environmental considerations.  

This Conceptual Scheme is a non-statutory plan and Council may choose to adopt it by resolution. Subsequent consideration of land use amendment, subdivision, and development permit applications will follow in accordance with the policies of this CS and other Foothills County development requirements.  

Anticipated Timeline